(foto) Povestea tinerei care din vegană a devenit 100% carnivoră. Totul s-a schimbat după ce era să moară

În luna iulie a anului 2017, Sylwia Tabor, 32 de ani, din Sacramento, California, US, se afla într-o drumeție când a fost mușcată de un un păianjen.

Tânăra a observat o mușcătură mică pe gleznă, dar nu a luat-o în seamă. O lună mai târziu, micul semn s-a transformat într-o umflătură care creștea pe zi ce trece, potrivit metro.co.uk.

Sylwia a ajuns la urgențe la spital și a fost diagnosticată cu fasceita necrozantă,  infecţie bacteriană rară, care poate distruge pielea şi ţesuturile moi de sub ea, incluzând grăsimea şi ţesutul care acoperă muşchii. Pentru că aceste ţesuturi mor rapid, o persoană cu fasceita necrozantă se spune că este infectată cu o bacterie „mâncătoare de carne”, în mod special Streptococcus pyogenes.

Tânăra a fost băgată imediat în operație, fiind îndepărtată zona infectată. Din fericire, bacteria nu a apucat să facă ravagii. Dar la câteva luni de la operație, Sylwia a observat că sistemul ei digestiv nu mai asimilează nimic din ce mânca, având tot felul de probleme din cauza asta.

„Pentru că am fost pe o mulțime de antibiotice care ucid toate bacteriile bune din intestin, stomacul meu a fost făcut praf și mă simțeam teribil, ca în cele mai rele vremuri de când începusem să fiu vegană”, a povestit tânăra care renunțase la carne din anul 2008.

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It’s been 5 months of carnivore diet. What started as a 30 day experiment continues and just might never end. In the past all my #dietexperiment s would mess with my head and often end in massive binge on “forbidden food”. Thoughts like “when is the end of this?! I can’t wait to stuff my face (insert your favorite food)” were pretty normal. there’s none of that on carnivore diet…no cravings, no feeling tired, no missing anything (food wise at least). How long will I keep going? I don’t know. All my blood work looks great not that i even care what it looks like anymore bc how i feel means more to me than any blood number. Do I think EVERYONE should go carnivore? No, it’s definitely not for everyone but it sure is worth a fair try. You do you and led me do me…i’m of to getting my sun in, my fresh air in, my nature in, and of course my #steaks in. ✌??? …it’s little things that tickle my soul. . . . . . #carnivore #meatheals #keto #lchf #zerocarb #lowcarb #ketogenic #intermittentfasting #ketogenicdiet #ketodiet #worldcarnivoretribe #fitness #ketofam #abs #lowcarbhighfat #food #ketosis #ketolifestyle #weightloss #carnivoreketo #healthy #foodie #ketolife #paleo #sugarfree #transformationtuesday #meat

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When it comes to optimal health or just plain feeling good, what comes first? The right diet or the right “environment”? I was pondering this question for a while and realized just like everything else it’s probably very individual. For me finding a way of eating that made my brain function human again was the first step. Is #carnivorediet right for you? I don’t know but if you need help figuring it out schedule a consult with me and we’ll get to the bottom of it. —______——______________—————_______I love the sun, it’s one power source i don’t take for granted. “Live by the Sun, love by the Moon”, time to make some changes to live by the sun majority of the time. #health #sunheals #photobiomodulation #light #magnetism #biohacking @grounding_austinnorlin thank u for the pic ??

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It’s been a while since I made a post. Some people have been asking if i’m still carnivore- of course I am. I was scrolling through my old pictures and came across an old pic from post MRSA when i decided to go back to vegan diet for #guthealth . The first week of it i did feel good but then my brain just went crazy and i could #binge on pounds of avocados and other #vegan foods. I’d go to bed stuffed, could obviously barely sleep through the night, I could basically sleep on the toilet bc of the constant need to ?. And then fast forward to finding #carnivorediet almost a year ago and now thriving (minus the broken knee, still working on that). I’ve experienced so many health benefits from going #carnivore that eating anything else just doesn’t make sense to me….so long as i stay away from dairy, that’s crack cocaine for me and doesn’t give me the same #brainpower as a good ole #steak does. In the past few months there were few podcasts that came out criticizing carnivore diet but in all of them them the conclusion was “we just don’t have enough studies to know”. we don’t? Humans became humans because of meat, that’s a good enough study for me. I’ve experimented with vegan diet and trashed my health, my bones are still recovering from that experiment. For now i’ll keep #feasting on my steaks and enjoying every bit of it…and yes, i lick my plate ? #meatheals #meatosis #biohacking #keto #primal #primalhealth #hollisticbiohacking #exvegan #whole30

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